Kulanjan Oil comes from an erect robust perennial herb. The oil is extracted through steam distillation process from the dried part of roots. Well recognized for its anti-microbial, anti-ulcer and other medicinal properties, it is useful in various lipid disorders especially atherosclerosis.
Kulanjan Oil comes extracted from an erect robust perennial herb. The oil comes procured through a the process of thorough steam distillation of the dried part of roots. Popular for its anti-microbial, anti-ulcer and other medicinal properties, the Kulanjan oil is useful in a variety of lipid disorders.
This oil extract has wonderful anti-microbial properties, together with a host of anti-ulcer activities, anti-tumour activity, anabolic effects and anti-hepatotoxic effects. It is also beneficial in a variety of lipid disorders such as atherosclerosis.
It is especially useful in flatulence, dyspepsia, vomiting and sickness at stomach, being recommended as a remedy for sea sickness. It tones up the tissues and is sometimes prescribed in fever. The powder is sniffed in catarrh. Modern research has proved its bronchodilator property. Galangal is used in cattle medicine, and the Arabs use it to make their horses fiery. It is included in several compound preparations, but is not now often employed alone.
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